11 Awesome Features of Google Chrome

When Google was first launched, Google published a cartoon series to attract users all over the world towards it. And When I first tried Google Chrome, it was like a cartoon making fun of a full fledged browser, which can’t even support scrolling and large number of website were not appearing properly in this browser. But Google Chrome soon recovered and now it become Top Browser to surf.

Today we will show you top 11 features of Google chrome which is why You should start using it (if not already started) and if you already using it, you will not leave it because of these. Here goes the list —

Task Manager In Google Chrome
Task Manager In Google Chrome

1. Speed – Google chrome is fastest compared to all other, whether it’s application loading time or Site loading time.

2. Tabbed Interface – It’s easy to use Tabbed interface is really good, It’s so good that Chrome theme for Firefox (which makes Firefox look like Chrome) is one of most popular theme.

3, The Omni box – It handles everything in one box, be it url or search query. It also shows Web history and shows relevant pages from your browsing history in case you need to see them instead of going for Google Search. No need to open Google, simply type here and hit enter, it will Auto search Google if you did not type a URL or shortcut.


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PriVate Browsing Mode – Is It Truly Private ?

You must have heard about New Internet Explorer 8 or Google Chrome Browser and Private browsing mode they offer. Both of these browser have Private browsing mode (also called anonymous browsing). After reading about this you must be thinking you finally have some inbuilt tool but are they really providing same thing what you thinking ? I believe this term is misleading as it is something different than what private browsing really means.

Internet Explorer Private Browsing Mode
Internet Explorer Private Browsing Mode

I am not saying what they say is incorrect but you must understand correctly what and how this mode works, and what privacy will you get with these modes. The privacy mode offered by these or any other browser is not making you anonymous for private browsing which will not tell web server about you, But it will not leave any traces of your browsing history on the computer you using.


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Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010

Microsoft Streets and Trips has always been a favorite when it comes to planning trips. That doesn’t really change with Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010, although some of the updates are not all that exciting.

For those unfamiliar with Streets and Trips: in effect, it makes your netbook or laptop into a complete device for trip planning and GPS navigation. As was the case with earlier versions, Streets and Trips 2010 comes in two different forms: the software-only version, with a price tag of $40, and the software / GPS locator combo package for $70. Streets and Trips works with most NMEA 2.0-compatible GPS receivers, so if you already have a suitable receiver, you just need the software.

Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010
Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010

The newest version is not that much of an advance on the previous one. It does include updated U.S. and Canadian maps, as well as some timely additions to the lists of points of interest. The major innovation, though, is the ‘Send to GPS’ feature, and also a useful function for exporting route info in GPX format. These additions are reasonably welcome, even though they are of somewhat limited use.


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IPV4 Address – It’s Now Become Limited Resource for Us

We all currently use IPv4 address, at least most of us. IPV6 addresses are used by some Bit torrent client but they are still redundant as the machine using IPV6 address also Have IPV4 address.


As of January 1st, 2011; we have about 496 million unused IPV4 addresses. And in year 2010 we used about 225 Million IPV4 addresses. These number suggest that we will run out of the IPV4 addresses in 2 years but at the rate we are growing this will happen much sooner. All these stats comes out from IANA global pool of IP Address.

Current population of earth is about 7 Billion and the rate by which internet users are increasing and everything is going for computerization the supply of IPV4 addresses is going to run out very soon. There is no way we can add number of IPV4 address. They will remain constant no matter how many of people we add on Planet earth.


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