Chrome History – Useful Tips to See and Delete Browsing History

Are you familiar with chrome history? You certainly have heard it especially if you are using Google Chrome as your web browser. The term primarily refers to the list of internet sites you have visited and are sorted out by dates from the most recent to the oldest. As these are stored in your computer system, anyone who has liberal access into your computer can view the internet sites you recently and frequently visited.

Chrome history serves a lot of purpose. First, it effectively tracks down web browsing activity. This is very important most especially to parents as this will give them an idea of their children’s unattended online activity and forewarn them of possible dangers lurking around. Besides, chrome history proves to be useful when you forget to bookmark or jot down a particular web page as these can be viewed under the recently closed link. Finally, Google configured their web browser with a search pane that allows you to input a query then quickly hunt down vague web address.

This proves to be an excellent time saver as you are spared from manually going through every link. In general, chrome history not only allows you to see browsing history, you can search and even clear or delete the browser history. To some point, deleting the browsing history effectively improves the speed of your chrome browser. To get started, here are some easy and simple ways to see and delete your internet browsing history. Read on.


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DownThemAll – Best Download Manger for Firefox Users

Download managers are very handy tool if you either download a lot of files or download less but larger files from internet. These tools manage your download more efficiently. They speed up the download process by dividing the file into multiple segments and downloading all of them parallel. If your file is hosted on multiple server it will download each segment from different location even. Download managers can also be used to schedule the download or queue them to be downloaded. Just put the download in queue and leave the computer rest will be managed by Download manager utility.

DownThemAll  - Firefox Download Manager
DownThemAll - Firefox Download Manager

Now you must have used a separate application which are free as well as Paid (some advanced one), but if you are using Firefox, you can use a free Add-on DownThemAll, which can do all these things which any other download manager application does and enjoy the benefit without installing any separate application. The only difference here would be instead of opening the application you need to keep Firefox window Open in order to use DownThemAll. Since it is added as and Add-on to Firefox using it is obviously more convenient and secure. It allows you to scan entire website for available downloads with just one click.


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11 Awesome Features of Google Chrome

When Google was first launched, Google published a cartoon series to attract users all over the world towards it. And When I first tried Google Chrome, it was like a cartoon making fun of a full fledged browser, which can’t even support scrolling and large number of website were not appearing properly in this browser. But Google Chrome soon recovered and now it become Top Browser to surf.

Today we will show you top 11 features of Google chrome which is why You should start using it (if not already started) and if you already using it, you will not leave it because of these. Here goes the list —

Task Manager In Google Chrome
Task Manager In Google Chrome

1. Speed – Google chrome is fastest compared to all other, whether it’s application loading time or Site loading time.

2. Tabbed Interface – It’s easy to use Tabbed interface is really good, It’s so good that Chrome theme for Firefox (which makes Firefox look like Chrome) is one of most popular theme.

3, The Omni box – It handles everything in one box, be it url or search query. It also shows Web history and shows relevant pages from your browsing history in case you need to see them instead of going for Google Search. No need to open Google, simply type here and hit enter, it will Auto search Google if you did not type a URL or shortcut.


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PriVate Browsing Mode – Is It Truly Private ?

You must have heard about New Internet Explorer 8 or Google Chrome Browser and Private browsing mode they offer. Both of these browser have Private browsing mode (also called anonymous browsing). After reading about this you must be thinking you finally have some inbuilt tool but are they really providing same thing what you thinking ? I believe this term is misleading as it is something different than what private browsing really means.

Internet Explorer Private Browsing Mode
Internet Explorer Private Browsing Mode

I am not saying what they say is incorrect but you must understand correctly what and how this mode works, and what privacy will you get with these modes. The privacy mode offered by these or any other browser is not making you anonymous for private browsing which will not tell web server about you, But it will not leave any traces of your browsing history on the computer you using.


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